(this site is probably outdated)
Monsterhood is liberation.
All of life is an experiment.
Craft is dead and we must rebirth it.
Break (respect, re-make) the medium.
Play like children!

Hi, I’m Alice.

Currently in: Cambridge, MA.
Studying: Human Augmentation. Augmentation as a lens for living.
Working on augmentingour capacity for self-determination (subversion, change), interpersonal connection (love, oneness), and creativity (discovery, language, multiplicity).
Through developing: real magic, life games, human engeineering, body-machine interfaces, human-computer systems, extended reality, generative AI, experiments in the intersection of art & technology.
In a past life: wrote & illustrated novels, developed nanomaterials, taught courses.
Thinking about: cyborghood. 

Some fun things: AR-controlled supernumerary limb, natural language XR dev tool, human-AI co-creative tools, Augmentation Lab, ResidencyAR/VR Developers, Conflux Collective.

I’m compelled by the magical (the deeply emotional, the bizarre, and the seemingly impossible). I believe thoughtful design of augmentation systems can reveal, enhance, transform the latent magic within and between us. This devotion to magic guides my life & my work.

I am always hungering for new adventures. If anything I have mentioned resonates with you and you’re interested in working / adventuring together, shoot me an email at acai at college dot harvard dot edu, or if it’s something spontaneous / urgent, shoot me a text at 4793870302.